Hi, I’m Diane Faith and I’m a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP). I’m also the founder of Nourish My Heart LLC. I love food, but who doesn’t right? I mean let’s face it, there are so many tasty foods out there. But have you ever wondered how your food choices impact how you feel, how you look, your overall well-being? I know I have, so much so, that I wanted to learn everything about it. Hence the beginning of my health journey.

My Mom

I had a lot of motivators to educate myself. One of them was my mom’s diagnosis with lymphoma, a cancer in the lymphatic system, back in 2014. It was painful watching her go through chemotherapy, but through it all she remained strong. She never lost her energy and positivity. I’m so grateful that she is cancer-free today. But this was eye-opening for me because my dad also had cancer but he passed away when I was nine. Many members of my family had cancer and lost their battles. As I began to do research on what causes this horrible disease, I realized it could stem from so many things including stress, the toxins we are exposed to everyday, and the quality of our foods.

My Story

I was motivated more than ever not to get sick and take preventative measures to avoid getting cancer. But little did I know, trying to avoid this caused me a lot of stress. I worried a lot and on top of that I worked in a fast-paced, highly stressful environment.I worked in TV news for 16 years, most of those years as a news producer. It’s typical not to take breaks in the newsroom. Every second literally counted, so I’d always eat as fast as I could and at my desk while working. There was never any room to slow down unless I forced it, and sadly I would sometimes wait until I felt absolutely horrible to call out sick.
I rarely cooked because I couldn’t find the energy, time, or patience to learn how to do it. I didn’t grow up learning how to cook and found no motivation to do it later in life, until recently. I would eat a lot of packaged foods and try to incorporate vegetables when I could. I really believed that I could eat whatever I wanted and just burn it off through exercise because I had always been in what appeared to be good physical shape.
But I was always tired, stressed most of the time, and still struggled with acne. I had been struggling with acne since 11 and couldn’t figure out how to permanently make it go away.

My Aha! Moment

2020 was a crazy year. It honestly seemed like a nightmare, with the COVID-19 pandemic. But I remember my goal was to take control of my health. I really wanted to become the best version of myself. I joined an online fitness group where I had the support of an amazing group of women. We focused on exercising and building our strength, but we also focused on having a better relationship with food. This was my aha moment. This is where it dawned on me that I needed to work on this relationship not to lose or maintain my weight, but to understand if and how I’m benefiting from what I’m actually eating. I didn’t realize that what I was eating everyday impacted how I felt. And that along with my lifestyle choices impact my quality of life.

Knowledge Is Power, Only If You Use It

I slowly started trying to learn as much as I could, but it became overwhelming. There’s so much information out there and it can be hard to weed out what’s true and what’s not. From Googling how to get rid of acne, to what causes headaches, to how to have more energy, my searches led me to different answers. And while some of the solutions worked briefly, I still wasn’t understanding why I was experiencing these symptoms. This is why I went back to school, to learn from the experts. Through my education from the Nutritional Therapy Association, I now understand how our diets and lifestyles impact how our bodies function.
While my health journey isn’t over, I now have the tools and resources that continue to have a huge impact on my well-being. I believe that each one of us is responsible for our own health, and we have the power through food and lifestyle choices to feel our very best. You deserve to feel your very best.

My Mission

To empower people to rediscover their best health and wellbeing through support, education, and getting to the root cause of their symptoms. I truly believe in a preventative approach to health.

Learn more about my NTP certification here:

“Nourish My Heart” (The Creation)

Coming up with a name is often hard to do. Many companies hire agencies for millions of dollars to create a name that will stick. In this case the name was staring at me, allow me to explain. When I received my NTP certificate, I wanted to document it, so I took this photo. You can see the picture on my wall behind me that says, “Follow Your Heart.”

My partner, Stanley, has a knack for creativity. He said, “Why not play off the words on the sign behind you?” After a few name attempts, “Nourish My Heart” was born. He even made my logo!

When I think about the significance of my company name, it honestly warms my heart and makes me smile. Nourishing our health takes time, it takes effort, and it takes patience. My vision is to be there to guide you through this process in the field of nutrition. Together we’ll develop heart-healthy habits that will impact your entire being.

All information presented on this website is strictly for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease, nor is it medical advice. Please consult your healthcare professional before making any dietary and/or lifestyle changes.